by Emily Bhargava | Apr 29, 2018 | community art, community health
After hanging the exhibit on Friday the wonderful photos and stories shared by 15 women from around the country have been inspiring the hundreds of people attending the Make the Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon and Policy Summit this weekend in Cambridge. I’ll...
by Emily Bhargava | Apr 16, 2018 | community health
After many months of collecting photos of pumping situations and stories about the good, the bad and the ugly of trying to pump while working, the photo voice project is almost ready to hang. The exhibit will be displayed during the Make the Breastpump Not Suck...
by Emily Bhargava | Mar 2, 2018 | community art, community health
Help us gather a great group of photos to show the hackers at the 2018 “Make the Breast Pump Not Suck” Hackathon what it’s really like to pump- and what they should think about as they work to make it better. Below is the official call for photos....
by Emily Bhargava | Dec 27, 2017 | community art, community health
Somerville is a diverse city, and is looking for ways to bring the experiences and voices of recent immigrants from around the world to the city’s decision-making processes. A group recently formed called IMPACT, which stands for Immigrant Multilingual Parent...
by Emily Bhargava | Dec 25, 2016 | community art, community health, data literacy, Uncategorized, youth development
Making it into the world of academic journals is a big step for the Data Mural model, and we’ve made the leap. A case study of our Data Mural from Minas Gerais Brazil was recently published in the Journal of Community Informatics as part of a special issue on...
by Emily Bhargava | Dec 25, 2016 | community art, community health, Uncategorized
As you may remember, the beautiful mosaic mandala created by women who are survivors of trauma was accepted to be part of a gallery show called “Wall 2 Wall: Art Builds Community”. The show was a success, and on the day of the opening reception the...