ComStats – reflective data collection and mining

ComStats lets you chart your usage of Apple’s Mail email client, the iChat and Adium AIM clients, and the open-source Fire IM client. People are starting to call this “personal informatics”, which can only mean that it has become a popular idea in the academic field....

iDisplay – news from the net

The iDisplay is a network-enabled VFD display that can be used to display RSS news feeds. Specifically, the first iteration was set up to display live news feeds from CNN or the BBC. The second iteraction was tied to a website where you could log in and configure what...

Bricket – assistive robotic construction kit

My thesis from the MIT Media Lab’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. Designing a Computational Construction Kit for the Blind and Visually Impaired This thesis documents the adaptation and extension of an existing computational construction kit, and its use by a community...

RoboPaint – Palm Pilot drawing app

RoboPaint is my open-source paint program for color Palm Pilots. No, it doesn’t have robots or monkeys, but you can draw yourself some with it! Some of the features: A saveable swatch of colors (double-tap to edit) Erase (double-tap to erase full screen) Copy and...

Hot-or-Not: Palm Pilot App

Constantly cruising the web in search of the latest technologies that facilitate interaction, scientists here were fascinated when they stumbled upon the Am-I-Hot-Or-Not? phenomenon. While the current technology allows people to rate each others looks from afar, there...