Through the Beautiful Stuff Project, Connection Lab created an 8-page mosaic Storywalk called Dandelion Days. Each page of the book is a 12”x16” mosaic created by community members during socially-distanced outdoor tiling sessions. Without words, the book tells the...
In collaboration with The Beautiful Stuff Project, Connection Lab worked with school adjustment counselors in a local elementary school to help them integrate mandalas into their clinical practice with students and to prepare them to create a collaborative mandala...
The Kindergarteners and second graders at the Argenziano school collaboratively authored and illustrated a fantastic and far-fetched story about two girls who find themselves in a house full of vampires. With each class doing one step in the creation of the story and...
The Capuano school houses 24 classrooms of pre-K and kindergarteners, all of whom are learning their letters, thinking about sounds, and learning to be good stewards of the world’s resources. Through this alphabet project each classroom made a letter out of...
The entrance to the Winter Hill Community Innovation School got a facelift when every student in the school (and some parents) helped to create mosaic mandalas that members of the student council designed. With themes ranging from peace to diversity and movie...