by Emily Bhargava | Mar 2, 2018 | community art, community health
Help us gather a great group of photos to show the hackers at the 2018 “Make the Breast Pump Not Suck” Hackathon what it’s really like to pump- and what they should think about as they work to make it better. Below is the official call for photos....
by Emily Bhargava | Dec 25, 2016 | community art, community health, Uncategorized
As you may remember, the beautiful mosaic mandala created by women who are survivors of trauma was accepted to be part of a gallery show called “Wall 2 Wall: Art Builds Community”. The show was a success, and on the day of the opening reception the...
by Emily Bhargava | Aug 11, 2016 | Uncategorized, youth development
We all know that money is powerful, but it’s not just because of its purchasing power that it is so important. Money represents status, and on U.S. currency the people represented in the center of the bills have almost always been men. A 5th grade class in...