by Rahul Bhargava | Jan 7, 2011
Living in a data-drenched society, many around the world are struggling to build their capacity to use data. We are creating fun, hands-on activities and online experiences to help build data-informed organizations. We work with journalists,...
by Rahul Bhargava | Oct 1, 2003
I connected a receipt printer to the internet in an early exploration of person-to-place messaging. Why is this useful? Well, often I have some short bit of text on my computer that I need with my when I run out of the house. I can never find a pencil to write it...
by Rahul Bhargava | Mar 1, 2003
ComStats lets you chart your usage of Apple’s Mail email client, the iChat and Adium AIM clients, and the open-source Fire IM client. People are starting to call this “personal informatics”, which can only mean that it has become a popular idea in the academic field....
by Rahul Bhargava | Jun 1, 2002
My thesis from the MIT Media Lab’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. Designing a Computational Construction Kit for the Blind and Visually Impaired This thesis documents the adaptation and extension of an existing computational construction kit, and its use by a community...
by Rahul Bhargava | Apr 1, 2001
Constantly cruising the web in search of the latest technologies that facilitate interaction, scientists here were fascinated when they stumbled upon the Am-I-Hot-Or-Not? phenomenon. While the current technology allows people to rate each others looks from afar, there...