deCordova stained glass screens class

We had a great time using some of the techniques of copper foiling to make non-traditional stained glass screens.  We used glass, gears, keys, wire, shells and wood.  Our projects explored the ideas presented in the gallery exhibit called “virtual screens”...

SAMA coming to Boston!

For all you mosaic enthusiasts, SAMA, the Society of American Mosaic Artists, is coming to Boston this March! With the New England Mosaic Society growing, SAMA will be a great opportunity to hone our skills and meet other mosaicists from around the world.

Upcoming Decordova Workshops

After a long blogging hiatus as we updated the Connection Lab website, we’re back and rarin’ to go.  Emily will be presenting three exciting workshop series at the Decordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln MA this fall and winter.  Each two-session...