Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Tova Speter of the MEM project, Connection Lab’s longtime dream of a collaborative stained glass project is finally becoming reality.  In partnership with the MEM project and Interfaith Family of Greater Boston, Connection Lab is leading the design of two stained glass windows that will be installed in the interfaith chapel of Bentley University.  A group of interfaith couples participated in two workshops where they explored light and darkness and translated their ideas into paper cut designs.  They cut colored glass to place behind their paper cuts, sandwiched the paper between their colored glass and a piece of clear glass, and wrapped the sandwiches with copper tape.  We soldered some of the pieces together as a group, and as the second workshop wrapped up we organized all of the designs into the shape of two long windows.

The center sections of the windows are made of larger panels.  Tova will lead students from Bentley in designing their own paper cuts to place in the center of the windows, and Connection Lab will help the students solder all of the pieces together, add wire designs to the open sections of the stained glass panels, and get the panels ready to install in their chapel.

It’s all very exciting!